Spelledarens framtidsplaner

26 Juni – Krönikan börjar

1400, 16 September
Owain Glyndŵr påbörjar det Walsiska Upproret, ett försök att slå sig fri från Englands styre.

Den ökände tyske piraten Klaus Störtebeker tillfångatas efter att i åratal härjat runt Östersjön. Det sägs att han endast kunde fångas tack vare att en person ur hans manskap saboterat skeppet och hällt smält bly över en kätting som höll styrrodret fast.

1404, 27 April
Philip the Bold dör, hans kamp om den franska tronen tas över av hans äldste son, John the Fearless.

Lasombra dör

1405, June 8
Archbishop Richard le Scrope of York and Thomas Mowbray, Earl of Norfolk, is executed in York on Henry IV’s orders.

1407, November 23
Louis, Duke of Orléans, was brutally assassinated in the streets of Paris. He was attacked after mounting his horse by a party of men who literally amputated his arms so that he was defenseless.
Bakom mordet låg uppenbart John the Fearless, som snabbt höll på att förlora sin chans till tronen.

Philip Repyngdon, elevated to Cardinal by Gregory XII in but declined the promotion

Robert Hallam, elevated to Cardinal by Antipope John XXIII

Jeanne D´Arc född 6 januari

Tzimisice ”dödas” av Anarkister.

1413, Mars
Henry IV dör efter en tids svår sjukdom. Han efterträds av sin son Henry V.

Tthe feud between the Royal family and the house of Burgundy had led to chaos and anarchy throughout France. Taking advantage, Henry V of England led an invasion which culminated in October when the French army was defeated at the Battle of Agincourt.

1419, 10 September
John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy, was assassinated on the bridge at Montereau on 10 September 1419 during a parley with the French dauphin (the future Charles VII of France), by Tanneguy du Chastel and Jean Louvet, the dauphin’s close counsellors.
Som hämnd för mordet på Louis, Duke of Orléans,

The Anarch revolution reaches it’s peak. Vinculi becomes common among them.

Bryan (Malkavian) is embraced (CbN 2ed).

The Trial of Joan of Arc, which took place before an English-backed church court in Rouen, France in the first half of the year 1431 was, by general consensus, one of the most significant and moving trials ever conducted in human history.

Vlad Dracula födds

Hardestadt calls a meeting of elders to discuss the ”Anarch Problem.”

Janitsjarerna (Yeniçeri, vilket betyder ”ny trupp” på turkiska) var elitsoldaterna i Osmanska rikets armé, beväpnade med Luntlås musköter

Augustus Giovanni diablerar Cappadocius och klan Giovanni börjar utrota hela klan Cappadocian.

1453, 5 April
Constantinople was under siege laid by the Ottoman Empire

1453, 29 May
Constantinople falls. It was defended by the army of Emperor Constantine XI. The event marked the end of the political independence of the millennium-old Byzantine Empire

Malleus Maleficanem (Häxhammaren) släpps av kyrkan. Startar häxjakten runt om Europa

The Wars of the Roses takes place in England.

4 Mars – Henry VI was deposed and imprisoned on 4 March 1461 by his cousin, Edward of York, who became King Edward IV of England. By this point, Henry suffering such a bout of madness that he was apparently laughing and singing while the second Battle of St. Alban’s raged, which secured his release. But Edward was still able take the throne, though he failed to capture Henry and his queen, who were able to flee to Scotland. During the first period of Edward IV’s reign, Lancastrian resistance continued mainly under the leadership of Queen Margaret and the few nobles still loyal to her in the northern counties of England and Wales. Henry was captured by King Edward in 1465 and subsequently held captive in the Tower of London.

4 Maj The Battle of Tewkesbury in Gloucestershire, completed one phase of the Wars of the Roses. It put a temporary end to Lancastrian hopes of regaining the throne of England. There would be fourteen years of peace before another political coup in the form of Henry Tudor finally settling the dispute between the two dynasties.

21 maj – Henry VI was murdered while in prison in the Tower of London

With the general air of revolution sweeping throuh Kindred society, some Cainites just can’t help themselves. The formerly loyal Tremere Virstania (the Mother of Gargoyles), becomes fed up with Clan Tremere’s hierarchy, and leads the Gargoyles in a revolt.

Den nystartade Inner circle (Camarillan) förklarar blodsjakt mot hela klan Assamite

A Nosferatu locates the Assamite fortress of Alamut. The Assamites decide it’s best to sue for peace before someone else finds it.

* The Convention of Thorns: (on this night of 23rd October, 1493, the Jyhad has ended.)
o The Camarilla is officially founded.
o The Anarch Revolt is officially over. No one tells the Anrachs, who go rampaging throughout the countryside and eventually form the Sabbat.

The Treaty of Tyre: The Assamites agree to stop killing everybody, and submit to the Tremere blood curse.

In 1496 King Henry VII of England, following the successes of Portugal and Spain in overseas exploration, commissioned John Cabot to lead a voyage to discover a route to Asia via the North Atlantic.[3] Cabot sailed in 1497, and though he successfully made landfall on the coast of Newfoundland (mistakenly believing, like Christopher Columbus five years earlier, that he had reached Asia),there was no attempt to found a colony. Cabot led another voyage to the Americas the following year but nothing was heard from his ships again.

America was named by cartographers Martin Waldseemüller and Matthias Ringmann, probably after Amerigo Vespucci, who was the first European to suggest that the newly discovered lands were not India but a ”New World”.

Henry VIII blir Kung

Only 17 years old, Henry VIII married Catherine on 11 June 1509, and on 24 June 1509, the two were crowned at Westminster Abbey. Two days later, he arrested his father’s two most unpopular ministers, Sir Richard Empson and Edmund Dudley. They were groundlessly charged with high treason and in 1510 were executed. This was to become Henry’s primary tactic for dealing with those who stood in his way

the Portuguese reached China. Although Jorge Álvares was the first to land on Lintin Island in the Pearl River Delta in May, it was Rafael Perestrello—a cousin of the famed Christopher Columbus—who became the first European explorer to land on the southern coast of mainland China and trade in Guangzhou in 1516

Hernán Cortés , in an act of open mutiny against Cuba’s governor Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar, With about 11 ships, 500 men, 13 horses and a small number of cannons he landed in Yucatán, in Mayan territory, claiming the land for the Spanish crown.

Ferdinand Magellan voyage around the world (Började 1519)

Henrik VIII av England bröt med påven, och grep själv rätten att utnämna biskopar, vilket gjorde Engelska kyrkan självständig. Kungen blev genom den sk. suprematiakten Engelska kyrkans överhuvud. Lojalitet med påven sågs som högförräderi. Tillsammans med Thomas Cromwell lät han stänga kloster och beslagta deras egendomar.

Assamites lay siege to the Tremere stronghold in Vienna. Lots of Warlocks die, but they eventually push the Assamites back. Then the Assamites return several years later to do it again. And again. And then a couple more times.

Witchcraft Act of England går igenom. Gör det olagligt att syssla med magi eller att umgås med häxor.

three Portuguese traders, accidentally became the first Westerners to reach and trade with Japan.

Elizebeth I ascends the throne in England.

30 June 1559, at the Place des Vosges in Paris, during a match to celebrate the Peace Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis with his longtime enemies, the Habsburgs of Austria and to celebrate the marriage of his daughter Elisabeth of Valois to King Philip II of Spain, King Henry the II was mortally wounded by the lance of Gabriel Montgomery, captain of the King’s Scottish Guard. The lance pierced his eye and, despite the efforts of royal surgeon Ambroise Paré, he died on 10 July 1559

Elisabeth Báthory födds

the English Crown sanctioned the privateers John Hawkins and Francis Drake to engage in slave-raiding attacks against African towns and Portuguese ships off the coast of West Africa[7] with the aim of breaking into the Atlantic trade system.

Pesten drabbar Altsang igen – 20% av befolkningen dör

Madame Guil omfamnas av Baron Volgirre

Roanoke Colony grundas, och försvinner sedan flera gånger om.
The word ”Croatoan” carved into a tree on Roanoke Island at the site of the Lost Colony in 1590

Queen Elizabeth I accorded a charter, forming the East India Company to trade with India and eastern Asia.

Häxbränningarna startar på allvar

The first recorded European landfall on the Australian continent. Made by Dutch navigator and colonial governor, Willem Janszoon

1612, 19 August
The Samlesbury witches were three women from the Lancashire village of Samlesbury—Jane Southworth, Jennet Bierley, and Ellen Bierley—accused by a 14-year-old girl, Grace Sowerbutts, of practising witchcraft. Their trial at Lancaster Assizes in England on 19 August 1612 was one in a series of witch trials held over two days, among the most famous in English history

Elisabeth Báthory dör/”dör”

Flintlås mekanismen upptäcks och ersätter snart andra typer av skjutvapen.

Pesten drabbar Altsang igen, hårdare än någonsin – 40% av befolkningen dör

Den ung barden William Biltmore från Wales börjar uppträda för den Waleska adeln, med sånger om blodsdrickande vampyrer med namn som ”Ventré, Brouja, och Tureaudier”. Han hävdar att han sett dem i sina drömmar och att de leker en dödlig lek de kallar för ”maskeraden”. Adeln reagerar starkt mot hans målande sånger och snart sprids ryktet om att han är besatt och han jagas ut ur landet.

Häxjägar Generalen Mathew Hopkins har sin storhets tid. Han var dock korrupt och tog 20 shilling per dömd. Mithras utnyttjar detta mot Tremeres.

William Biltmore is embraced by Le Fanu of clan Malkavian.

Advokaten Matthew Hopkins reser runt i England och avrättar flera hundra ”häxor” (professionell häxletare, *Otroligt-inte sant 1? s.32)

1647 Hopkins tvingas ta sitt eget test, flyter och döms till döden.

The Great Plague of London (1665–1666)

London brinner

Lady Anne Bowesly omfamnas av Valerius

Tumskruvar (Filmen Warlock, 1691) börjar användas i Häxprocesser och Fängelsestraff

1703, August 12
Roman Pendragon omfamnas av Dark Selina

Scottish Uprising. Edinburgh Toreador tried to wipe out the Ventrues. The Scottish Ventrue Kyle Strathcona betrayed his blood, and led the toreadors to the Ventrues havens. English Ventrues never found out.

Malkavian William Biltmore återkommer till England och bosätter sig i Wales. Under de kommande 100 åren driver han sakta den Walesiska adeln till vansinne och tar kontroll över Cardiff.

England börjar ta över Indien. Tidigare hade Frankrike kontroll, men Efter krig mellan England och Frankrike tog England över.

The Tremere realised that Goratrix had joined the Sabbat, and was responsible for the defections of young Tremere under the House Goratrix. The Council, aided by Tremere himself, brand all Sabbat Tremeres with the symbol on their foreheads visable to any Tremere magus.

Fighting between Great Britain, France, and their respective allies in North America had broken out in 1754, two years before the general conflict, as part of an Imperial rivalry.

The Seven Years’ War was a major military conflict that lasted from 1756 until the conclusion of the treaties of Hubertusburg and Paris in 1763. It involved all of the major European powers of the period.
The war pitted Prussia and Great Britain and a coalition of smaller German states against an alliance consisting of Austria, France, Russia, Sweden, and Saxony. Russia temporarily changed sides in the later stages of the war. Portugal (on the side of Great Britain) and Spain (on the side of France) entered the conflict later, and a force from the neutral Dutch Republic was attacked in India[

1771, November 17
Denna söndagmorgon svämamr floden Tyne över extremt mycket och den urgamla bron mellan Gates Head och Newcastle rasar av trycket från vatten massorna. Flera hus följer med i floden och minst 6 personer dör.

Roman Pendragon av klan Brujah, kommer till England och börjar snabbt bygga upp en maktposition.

Madam Guil omfamnar Michael Uther

The Purchase Pact ends the Sabbat Civil War. Sabbat members are no longer allowed to fight amongst themselves. This news is spread throughout the sect, but no one pays attention.

In Asia, the Great Game, which lasted from 1813 to 1907, opposed the British Empire against Imperial Russia for supremacy in central Asia. China was opened to Western influence starting with the First and Second Opium Wars (1839–1842; 1856–1860).

The Red Barn Murder

Fyr – En fyr bör byggas utanför Altsang. Eventuellt bygger Giovannis en som inte bara är för skepp, utan även för vilsna själar. Andra fyrar i trakten är från mitten av 1800-talet och framåt, men jag vill nog ha in en tidigare.


Wrecking was well known in Devon and Cornwall where the rocky coastline, and strong prevailing onshore winds helped wreck many merchant ships and warships, but it is rumoured that ships were sometimes attracted. False lights on the shore were said to be used sometimes to lead ships into disaster. Then, rather than helping shipwrecked sailors, the wreckers often murdered and stripped the unsuspecting crew of any valuables and possessions. A 12th century law had said that if no man or animal survived a wreck then the owners had no claim on it, so the coastal communities had no incentive to rescue seamen — in fact quite the reverse. In 1735 a law was passed to make it an offence to make false lights, but no one was prosecuted as a result. In 1769 William Pearse was hanged at Launceston in Cornwall for wrecking. It was not until after a case in the Court of Appeal in 1870 that rewards were made for rescuing people.

Wrecking was a major industry in the 19th Century, and as far back as the 16th Century, especially of ships returning from the New World using the Gulf Stream, which passes by the south west of England. This would help to speed these ships on their way to France and Spain and put them out of position. Wreckers would attempt to frighten off the curious, suspicious or unwanted visitors, by spreading wild rumours concerning supernatural activity, ghosts and cannibals (as occurred in Clovelly) near their wrecking sites.

Fyr 2 – Giovannis Lighthouse of Souls – Startar en begravningsservice vid St Agrippa, och bygger dessutom en fyr av ben där så småningom. Rhoades börjar besöka adelsmän och påvisa äran i att få begravas i detta nya tempel för de döda.

William Biltmore drivs ut ur Wales av klan Ventrue. Han flyr till Europa och hamnar till slut i Schweiz.

Gangrel Antitribu split into two distinct bloodlines: Country and City. Most Cainites who learn of this don’t care.

Ett Sanatorium byggs i Altsang

Tarotikum-äventyret från Kult kanske?

Roman Pendragon tvingas fly England, då hans egen klan förråder honom i fruktan för att han faktiskt ska lyckas med sina planer om att bli härskare över England. Han flyr till Schweiz där han träffar Warwick av klan Nosferatu och Biltmore av klan Malkavian. Tillsammans börjar dem planera Operation Longbow

Ventrue Archon Lucinde becomes blood bound to the Setite Kemintiri, who is posing as her former lover. The Inner Circle creates the Red List and names Lucinde first Alastor. She is very good at hunting down Anathemas, just not Followers of Set named Kemintiri.

The Sabbat’s code of Milan. The tenets of the Sabbat are officially laid down, in Archbishop Giangaleazzo’s city. More on him later.

The Third Sabbat Civil War. Only lasts a hundred days, but the Panders (Sabbat Caitiff–Caitiff Antitribu?) end up gaining official Sabbat recognition and clan status. Noddists worldwide protest about the clanless coming to rule.

The Night of Bloody Terrors. Giangaleazzo, Archbishop of Milan (told you we’d get back to him!), decides he would rather be a Prince, defects to the Camarilla, and burns the original copy of the Code of Milan (along with all Sabbat in his city). Sabbat high command is royally P.O.’d, but just can’t seem to be able to do anything about it.

Assamite Methuselah Ur-Shulgi wakes up and breaks the Tremere curse after a week’s preparation. The Tremere are pissed, and the Assamites go back to diablerizing Cainites–especially the Tremere.

Gangrel Justicar Xavier thinks he’s met an Antediluvian and decides to take his clan out of the Camarilla.

Saulot’s spirit/soul finally takes over Tremere’s body. Tremere decides that the thing to do is to go take over his errant-protege Goratrix’s body. The end result is that Goratrix ends up trapped in a mirror and the majority of House Goratrix (the Tremere Antitribu) end up meeting Final Death.

The Camarilla Inner Circle chooses the new Justicars to guide the Camarilla through Gehenna. They pick such a sadly inept bunch that you wonder why they even bothered.

Archbishop Moncada, a pillar of the Sabbat, is assassinated in his haven. Assamites claim credit.

Ravana/Dracian/Zapathasura (Ravnos Antediluvian) wakes up in India. Most Ravnos go crazy and diablerize each other. It takes the combined forces of the Kuei-jin, the Technocracy, and other mysterious forces to finally kill him. Most Kindred don’t realize that Gehenna is about to start.

Utanför tisdsramarna än

Antagonist x 3 – Maskerad fiende som börjar ställa till problem. Visar sig till slut vara någon ganska nära, som tillsammans med 2 andra turats om att vara maskerad.

Boneyard – Plats utanför det område där Änglarna slogs mot de Fallna. Denna plats utmärks av det enorma skelett som sticker upp ur Sanden (Revbenen från den röda drake Michael och hans änglar dräpte i kriget mot Lucifer)

Book of Revelation

”Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought back, but he was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world – he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.”

Crimson Banner – Utveckla 10 stamkunder, samt sätta slumpsiffra om de råkas finnas där.
Detaljerad skiss över stället (Involvera Esmund för att aktivera Johan B)

Djurinvasion av Altsang vid tillfälle. FLADDERMÖSS, Grodor, Råttor, Katter, Ormar eller liknande.

Dödens Hed – Ulväventyr från Fantomen

En spök Historia.. samlar lösa trådar här:


Iskall hand som kryper in under täcket

Medium som skärs upp av osynliga knivar framför ögonen på dem som iaktar henne

Kanske är spöket en ”Ripper” som åkte fast och fick ena handen kapad, men lyckades fortsätta ändå (Krok?)

Fängelseäventyr – Hitta på ett sidoäventyr som utspelar sig i Altsangs fängelse, där gruppen spelar fångar.

Goratrix test – Goratrix ser till att göra ett svårt test till Eylgar. Lyckas han kommer han komma upp sig rejält. Misslyckas han blir han som Mallfoys i Harry Potter. Testet kanske något i stil med 9th Gate.

Gåvan – Någon av spelarna får en gåva, någon annans childe som tjänare. Childet är dock blodsbundet och även om det gör i stort sett allt det blir tillsagt känns det som om det spionerar på honom/henne.

Katakomberna byggs ut. Klan Nosferatu blir fler i staden och de börjar bygga ut katakomberna. De presenterar sig inte offentligt utan allt sker i lönndom… vad händer om någon av spelarna råkar ramla ner i deras grottor?
Klassisk nosseställe, med spawningpools och annat läbbigt. Grottorna kommer sträcka sig djupt ner i klippan och slutligen kommer det finnas utgångar mot havet.

Kolgruva söder om Altsang. Ny by bildas runt gruvan.
Childe till Logan bosätter sig där och styr. Ung affärspamp, med holländska eller belgiska rötter. Utseendet av Draco Mallfoy?

KrokMarorna – Från Chockäventyret Högländarnas Skräck. Stoppa in i ett miniäventyr?

Ludlow Castle i The Welsh Marches. Kolla upp och använd i äventyr?

Midnight Cirkus rullar förbi, någon rymmer och söker skydd i staden. Obehagliga Ravnos kommer in och kräver att rymligen lämnas ut.

Otis kommer snart ställa Viktor mot väggen, med mig eller emot mig?

Seeds – ”fröbarnen” försöker utvidga Redwood. Deras kroppar innehåller frön till träden (inte lika kraftfulla som ett hjärta men ändå). Än så länge är Castle Basarb, Grimsbury och Altsang Red Square.
Simion börjar känna av infektionen och börjar beordra sina män att förstöra alla träd runt om slottet (Isengard style)

Två sidor av samma mynt – Spelarna träffar på två grupper med människor, både ber om deras hjälp mot dem andra. Se till att spelarna måste välja sida, och att detta orsakar den sidans övertag. Spelarna får sedan den döda gruppens liv på sina samveten.

Uppträdandet – Någon uppträder i staden, men har fiender som vill se denne död. Under föreställningen sker ett litet fyrverkeri, och i samma stund som det körs, skjuts artisten. Två armborstlod, ett genom huvudet och en genom halsen.

Viccitude out of control – Tzimisce som tappar kontrollen av sin viccitude. Clayface?

Waylines – En bermudatriangel liknande linje som går från Red Wood Satyrens kammare, genom Altsang, vidare förbi Aglaecas klippa och ut till Boneyard ute i havet.


