Health and Damage

Health represents the amount of damage a character can suffer before becoming incapacitated in the current scene. Health is represented on the character sheet as Physical +5.

There are two types of damage: Superficial and Aggravated.

Superficial Damage

Superficial damage is painful and can impair a character’s actions, but is usually not lethal unless inflicted in massive amounts. For mortals this is bashes, sprains, bruises and general body fatigue. For vampires, it’s all this plus damage from things that could kill mortals, such as bullets, knives, swords, and animal bites. Mark superficial damage on the character sheet by making a “/” on the Health Track.
Superficial damage sustained is always halved before applying it to the Health Track.

Aggravated Damage

Aggravated damage can kill very quickly. For mortals, it’s nearly anything exceeding bashes, sprains, bruises and general body fatigue. For vampires, it’s limited to a very few things, including fire, sunlight and the teeth and claws of other supernatural creatures. Mark Aggravated damage on the character sheet by making a “X” on the Health Track.

The Health Track

A character has a Health Track equal to 5 + Physical(Stamina) spaces. When enough damage (of any type or mix thereof)