
Theology is the lore of the queen of the sciences, the study of God’s will inall things. It combines historucal scholarship with logic and a measure of artistic expression. Theology by itself does not make a character articulare, but it can provide the information necessary for effective persuasion, and it’s crucial in evaluating many social matters. Nothing human or physical lies outside the scope of God’s commandments, as heretics and the orthodox agree, and there is a theological dimension to political, economic and other disagreements. Keep in mind that, for medieval people, this is not a matter of unfounded supposition and personal conviction, but of knowable truths susceptible to a reasoned analysis. It is as rigorous a matter as medicine or ballistics.

• Novice: You know the major tenets of whatever faith prevails in your home, and you grasp the essential spirit of common doctrines even when you’re unclear on details.
•• Practiced: You know holy writ and important teachings, past and present.
••• Competent: You can debate the technical points of right belief, as you understand it, and readily understand the beliefs of others even when you disagree with them.
•••• Expert: Heretics and infidels fear to contest with you, and you’re a pillar of the community of faith wherever you are.
••••• Master: You are a latter-day Saint Paul or Saint Peter, depending on whether you turn your attention primarily to winning unbelievers’ hearts or ministering to the needs of those who already believe.

  • Possessed by: Devout Laymen, Heretics, Magicians, Monks, Priests, Troubadours.
  • Specialties: Confession, Debate, Exposition, Heresy, Orthodoxy.